Giggle The Stress Away #MHAW18

It's that time of year again! Mental Health Awareness Week starts today with the theme Stress: Are you coping?
Each year we're delighted to see more people get involved in raising awareness, spreading the message and opening up about their mental illness. As always we're joining the celebration of raising awareness of mental health by looking at the impact of comedy, humour and laughter on our wellbeing.
So, we probably all know what stress can look a little something like this.
Stress is the way our body reacts to difficult situations or life events. The ways in which stress can affect people varies given their circumstances and personal resilience.
Stress can be useful at times as it triggers our 'fight or flight' response, it can help us meet a deadline or respond quickly to dangerous situation. But...yes and there always a but...if stress becomes excessive, overwhelming or a constant within a persons life it can negatively impact their mental health, instead of giving us the get up and go to push through it can make us feel overwhelmed and unable to handle the situations we're faced.
How do I know I'm stressed? -
So with that in mind, as you've probably noticed we chirp on a lot about the benefits of laughter, humour and comedy on our well being and this includes using a good old chuckle as a stress reliever. That's why we've put a list together of our top comedy related stress relievers that you can do from the comfort of your home or by venturing out into new surroundings.
Put together your own hilarious hoardings, your favourite book, set of jokes, pictures, videos, items that trigger funny memories ready for a rainy day. There'll be a smile and snicker at the ready as you go through your funny findings.
Hilarity is all around us. Not feeling up to heading out, or your just too busy too? The TV and wonderful world of social media and online communities are filled with hilarious videos, podcasts, blogs, articles and stories. Whether that's meme central or a continuous stream of cat and dog videos, whatever makes you giggle, take some time out of your everyday life to watch, read and / or listen to the funny side of the world and world wide web.
When you're stressed it's probably the last thing you're thinking of, finding the funny in your life? But looking for the positive and funny side of life can help to teach you not to take life too seriously. Sharing the funny side of your story with a friend or focusing on the positive and silly aspects of your life can help you combat stress and anxious feelings.
Our Well Funny sessions are the perfect antidote to this, laugh away your stress and worries with a professional comedian. For more information get in touch today: | 0151 702 5893
[ x ] CHECK ONE TWO, CHECK CHECK Love watching funny shows, movies or even stand up shows on the TV? How about going to see comedy live. There's no experience like it. Find your local open mic night or comedy club to tickle your funny bones. We're lucky enough to be based in Liverpool which is most definitely the funniest city in the UK, brimming to the top with comedy and laughter. Click here for more information on where to attend a live comedy show in Liverpool.
[ x ] DIY TIME
Love watching comedy but would love to tick something else from your bucket list? Well look no further, how about trying your own hand at comedy, whether that's a stand-up comedy course for beginners?, joining an improv group or brushing up on your comedic writing skills. There's plenty on offer to help you venture into the world of comedy! Less about the performing and more about the laughter? How about trying out Laughter Yoga?
Step away from the keyboard and mouse and pick up a book. More and more hilarious books are hitting the shelves each and every year. Pick up a comedy number or even a mental wellbeing book and let the laughter linger!
Make it your goal to set aside an hour each day to find your funny! Together we can become a happier and healthier world!
Join in with Mental Health Awareness Week this week by sharing your coping mechanisms ! #MHAW18 #findingthefunny