Cosmic Comedy, Berlin
Hello everyone! As part of this week's Chuckle Tuesday blog post, I thought I would write about my trip to Cosmic Comedy a couple of weeks ago in Berlin.

After hearing amazing reviews about the comedy night we thought we'd give it a go. We had the chance to watch nine comedians. On the one hand, some were just starting out as comedians while others had been performing for years, they were all from different parts of the world and all with different experiences, which is what made the show so special! We enjoyed comedians from Lebanon, Norway and even from our very own neighbours, Scotland. It was interesting to see all the different types of comedy acts. For example, while some comedians liked to talk to the audience like old friends, others had polished and set routines. My personal favourite was a comedian who presented his own Nicki Minaj inspired rap. He got me to repeat 'boots and cats' into the microphone for the beat and needless to say my British accent became the part of the joke...

Even though we went on one of the quieter nights, it was still a great experience and one I would definitely be returning to when I next happen to be in Berlin. With pizza and free shots included what more could you ask for!
As the new Pirates of the Caribbean has recently been released, this weeks #ChuckleTuesdayChoice is the amazing Johnny Deep as Captian Jack Sparrow! We're asking the same question Johnny...
