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Ha'Ha'ppy Howloween!

Calling all Halloween scardy cats, yes that definitely includes us. It's that time again! Ever year you end up mistaking your Nan's dentures for your stick in Dracula teeth, permanently dying your skin green from what is definitely not skin friendly face paint and stuffing out faces Augustus Gloop style with plenty of tasty treats.

If you're anything like us on Halloween you'll feel inclined to watching the scariest movies possible to get into the horror holiday mood alongside your lopsided pumpkins and sweet treats, But for the majority of that movie the mute button becomes your best friend, ears are plugged like you're preparing for a heavy metal solo and eyes are covered to the nines by your body, pillows, blankets and family pets.

BUT FEAR NOT! We do not have to continue this devilish madness, the scary side of life isn't for everyone, especially those who like to eat cheese before bed. We've put together a list of our top ten frighteningly funny movie delights to quench your insatiable

In no particular order....

1. Hocus Pocus

A fun one for all the family, the witches are back. Can't beat this legendary film.

2. Shaun of the Dead

Zombie satire at its best, Simon Pegg takes on the world and still has time for a cuppa.

3. Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuic....Need we say more?

4. The Addams Family

Dark humour at its finest with our favourite freaky family

5. Ghostbusters

Who are you gonna call? ...No one, get off your phone and put this gem of a movie on

6. Casper

Ghosts and food, not a good combination, be sure to add this to your watch list!

7. The Haunted Mansion

Eddie Murphey had us non stop howling throughout this number.

8. Scary Movie

A monster mash up of scary movies to bring you an evening of non stop giggles

9. Nightmare Before Christmas

Tim Burton, need we say more, also just to clarify the long standing's a HALLOWEEN movie, not Christmas. Who knew?!

10. Rock Horror Picture Show

Of course! What else. The weird, wacky and wonderful Rocky Horror Picture Show


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