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Week Two - Becoming a Photographer


Hello everyone! During my second week at The Comedy Trust I continued to learn new marketing skills and even dabbled into a bit of photography.

I started the day off by sending out emails to various comedy agents. This was to see whether agents would be interested in being added to our external contact database, which would enable them to receive information regarding the Liverpool Comedy Festival. This database is important and useful because these are the contacts The Comedy Trust can build upon and reach out to in the future. I managed to get a couple of new agents added into the database as they were interested in receiving more information about the Liverpool Comedy Festival.

My next task entailed designing the March newsletter which was sent out to our community readership. I finally managed to get my head around using MailChimp to do this! In order to get as many people looking at our newsletter as possible, I had to look at what days and times were best to send the newsletter so it reaches its maximum potential and click rates. From researching our past click rate history I found that midday on Wednesday and Thursdays did the best so therefore scheduled it for the Thursday.

After the working day I went along to the Feeling Funny Club at 81 Renshaw Street. You can find out exactly what I thought about the club right here!

Going along to the club was a great opportunity to see first hand the work that takes place and I even got to practice my photography skills. I love photography and enjoy going around Liverpool practicing with my camera. However, I am still a massive amateur and still trying to figure out the difference between aperture, shutter speed and ISO... So this was a great chance to practice taking pictures of movement in people using both Nikon and Canon cameras. I even got to practice using a tripod which I have never used before!



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