Privacy Statement
The legal stuff:
The Comedy Trust is fully committed to complying with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.
All employees with access to personal data of participants and supporters have been trained and are fully aware of abiding by the organisation's Data Protection Policy.
In order to operate efficiently, we must collect information about people with whom we work. These may include members of the public, current, past and prospective employees, funded bodies and suppliers. In addition we may be required by law to collect and use information in order to comply with the requirements of central government. This personal information must be handled properly under the Data Protection Act 1998 (The Act). The Act regulated the way that we handle ‘personal data’ that we collect in the course of carrying out our functions and gives certain rights to people whose ‘personal data’ we hold.
We consider that the correct treatment of personal data is integral to our successful operations and to maintaining trust of the persons we deal with. We fully appreciate the underlying principles of the Act and support and adhere to its provisions.
We ensure:
We will comply with the eight enforceable data protection principles by making sure that personal data is:
Fairly and lawfully processed
Processed for limited purposes
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Accurate and kept up to date
Not kept longer than necessary
Processed in accordance with the individual’s rights
Stored and handled securely
Not transferred to countries outside the European Economic area unless the country to which the data is to be transferred has adequate protection for the individuals
What we do with data:
All of the information that we hold concerning yourself will be held and processed by The Comedy Trust in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Your details will only be used for administration, evaluation and / or marketing purposes.
Participant and Audience Data:
All details collected from course participants and audiences are stored securely in password protected locations, physical copies of data are secured in lockable cabinets. Details will be destroyed after five years once the course / workshops / events after the has taken place, if we no longer require the details for monitoring and evaluation purposes and / or if you are no longer in contact with the organisation. Please note that as we are a charity we are required to collate data as part of our monitoring and evaluation, participants taking part in our courses are required to complete our data information forms however you are welcome to complete these anonymously if desired. This information will only be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes and will only be shared with our current funding bodies, trusted partner organisations, within our annual accounts and reports and on promotion platforms such as our social media channels.
Similarly to the above, mailing list members details will be stored securely and will only be used for purposes of marketing within the organisation. All mailing list members are able to unsubscribe at any time via our newsletters or by getting in touch with a member of our team on info@thecomedytrust.com.
We will not, without your consent supply your name or addresses to third parties except where (1) such transfer is a necessary part of the activities we undertake, or (2) we are required to do so by operation of law.
As an individual it is your right under the Data Protection Act 1998 to obtain information from us, including a description of the data we hold on you. Should you have any queries concerning your data protection rights you can contact us on
By signing up to our mailing list and / or agreeing to the terms on our participant monitoring and evaluation forms you are agreeing for your details to be kept on The Comedy Trust's secure internal database, your details will only be used to be contacted regarding workshops, funding opportunities, evaluations and finance queries (if applicable).
For our full comprehensive data protection policy please get in touch with a member of our team on info@thecomedytrust.com or by calling 0151 702 5893