We began working alongside Liverpool Hope University back in 2018 with thanks to the Curious Minds fund that enabled us to find new and accessible ways to collate and evidence impact of our youth mental wellbeing support programme, Feeling Funny Youth. Research enabled us to challenge existing tools such as SWEMWBS to utilise more creative and accessible methods that support the delivery of our light-hearted, non clinical approach to supporting mental wellbeing.
Through the success of this initial partnership we have now established the Hope for Humanity and Humour programme. Working alongside a team of academics at the university to explore and create change through the artform of comedy. Courses, events and research produced as part of this programme will explore the powerful role of comedy as a platform to start conversations and kick-start change surrounding social attitudes.
The programme aims to:
Explore the development of creative, co-produced, accessible and innovative research methods to capture the impact of comedy on both individuals who take part in our programmes and the wider society through the dissemination of work
Create a toolbox of research approaches that can be shared to wider communities
Identify how comedy plays a role in community cohesion
Provide an experience for audiences that allow them to take away an appreciation of how humour can be used as a platform to connect with other people's stories and experiences
Establish a long term partnership between the charity, academics and individuals who live, work and visit the local community

Are you Feeling Funny?
Academic Journal
The challenges of assessing the impact of a comedy programme aimed at improving the mental well-being of young people
Dr Marie Caslin, Charlene Davies
Book Chapter: Establishing Child Centred Practice in a Changing World,
No Laughing Matter: Exploring the Role of Comedy When Researching Employment Barriers With Disabled Young People
Dr Marie Caslin, Harry Georgiou, Charlene Davies, Sarah Spoor
Projects - Phase 1
About the partnership....
Exploring creative and engaging ways to evidence impact of arts based mental health support programmes, led by academic Dr Marie Caslin. An animation and academic journal as featured above were outputs of this research.

Down Right Hilarious
We'll be working alongside adults living with down syndrome to challenge the discrimination, preconceptions and attitudes they experience day to day through the creation of their own stand-up comedy performance.
Research of the programme will also explore the narrative of disability comedy vs disabling comedy led by academic Dr Laura Waite
Accessible CV'S
Exploring the need and importance of providing alternative, accessible recruitment methods of within your organisation in partnership with Supported Interns, Careers Lead Sarah Spoor at Sandfield Park School and CEO of 6% and Rising Harry Georgiou alongside lead academic Dr Marie Caslin

Engaging with the service user group at Liverpool Hope University alongside academics Dr Kellie Thompson and Rose Devereux we will host a comedy course that helps to boost confidence, improve mood and raise awareness surrounding their individual experiences in a comedic way.