ADHD Awareness Month 2016
"October is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) Month. Despite being a common condition, there is much discrimination surroun
Nikki’s Blog! Internship – Week 3
"This week has been great as I developed confidence in using the social media sites and also learning how important it is to interact w
Comedy In Film
"Comedy is like a chameleon. This is because society is always changing so the culture impacts what people may find funny."
Ariana's time volunteering at the Trust
"Hello! My name’s Ariana and I’m currently a student here in Liverpool studying Media, Culture and Communications at Liverpool John Moo
Well Funny Workshop - BBC Radio Merseyside
"The course aims to help participants' mental health and well-being through comedy"
Nikki’s Blog! Internship – Week 2
"Being able to use the camera has boosted my confidence with technology and I am looking forward to using it more"